Dance of birth and death 36×48» acrylic, canvas

Dance of birth and death. The idea for the picture was born after watching a video where Russian mothers do not believe their sons (soldiers) who were captured in Ukraine. Propaganda turned out to be so effective that even the primordial maternal instinct began to fail in women. This is a grotesque reference for the popular phrase attributed to Marshal Zhukov “Women will give birth to new ones”. It expresses the contemptuous attitude of the authorities and generals, both to mothers and women in general, and their soldiers.

Dance of birth and death. The idea for the picture was born after watching a video where Russian mothers do not believe their sons (soldiers) who were captured in Ukraine. Propaganda turned out to be so effective that even the primordial maternal instinct began to fail in women. This is a grotesque reference for the popular phrase attributed to Marshal Zhukov “Women will give birth to new ones”. It expresses the contemptuous attitude of the authorities and generals, both to mothers and women in general, and their soldiers.